Delivering Exceptional Women’s Healthcare
We are dedicated to providing patient-centered women's
health care with a team of physicians and staff as unique as you.
The recommended intervals for pap smears have evolved considerably over the past 15 years. It is based on a better understanding of human papilloma virus (HPV) infection and the length of time it takes for cervical cancer to develop. It was previously thought that HPV infection was a lifelong infection, however it is now understood that upwards of 80-90% of the time your immune system will clear the virus. However, some HPV strains are considered higher risk for a quicker progression and are evaluated differently.
So, why do some women get pap smears more often than others? It is based on risk of severe disease and now, very much personalized to YOU. Rather than viewing a single pap result in isolation, numerous other factors are included to provide a recommendation. Factors include your age, current results, previous abnormal pap smears and treatments received, HPV subtype, and whether you have had sufficient pap surveillance.
There are exceptions to less frequent screenings. If you have a history of cervical cancer, are HIV positive, have a weakened immune system, or were exposed to DES in utero (1940-1971) you will need a yearly pap smear.
Providing the best care to our patients means balancing cervical cancer prevention strategies and reducing over testing and overtreatment.
*Mon- Thu Lunch 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm