Delivering Exceptional Women’s Healthcare
We are dedicated to providing patient-centered women's
health care with a team of physicians and staff as unique as you.
Women’s Health Partners offers a wide variety of intrauterine devices that will meet your needs. IUDs are placed and removed in the office setting by all of our providers.
Please talk to your provider for more information, the risks and benefits of the placement, and which IUD is right for you.
Outpatient Procedures
We offer different options for permanent sterilization if your family is complete.
Please talk to your provider for more information, the risks and benefits of the placement, and which IUD is right for you.
In Office Procedures
One in Five Premenopausal women suffers from heavy bleeding. Endometrial ablation is an outpatient procedure that burns the inside lining of the uterus to stop or decrease heavy menstrual bleeding.
Novasure is a type of endometrial ablation for premenopausal women with heavy periods due to benign causes who have completed childbearing. It is a five-minute procedure done in the office setting. Talk to your provider and see if you are a candidate.
Hysteroscopy is part of the work-up for heavy menstrual bleeding, bleeding between periods, and infertility. At Women’s Health Partners, we offer this procedure in the office and can be done in less than five minutes with only local anesthesia. Office hysteroscopy can be used to identify uterine abnormalities such as an endometrial polyp that would require general anesthesia to diagnose in the past.
LEEPs are indicated for the diagnosis and treatment of moderate to severe cervical dysplasia. It is a short procedure done in the office setting with local anesthesia.
*Mon- Thu Lunch 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm